Setting the Pace for United Way

The United Way, one of the nation’s largest and most well-respected charitable organizations, is a force within communities, identifying, funding and resolving a wide range of pressing issues. Each year, our local organization’s annual funding campaign kicks off in September.
In June, the United Way selects companies with a strong tradition of support to conduct their annual giving campaigns a little early, ‘setting the pace’ for the fall giving drive. Building & Earth was pleased to be selected for this Pacesetter Campaign.
The kickoff event was June 13th at the Birmingham Barons vs. Jackson General’s game at Regions Field. Click here to read more about our involvement with the structural steel, masonry and concrete at this downtown baseball park.
Our corporate office in Birmingham announced the Building & Earth campaign with a lunch and presentation by Karen Gandy and Ladye Franklin. Karen is a loaned executive for United Way of Central Alabama, and Ladye represented ‘Success by 6,‘ a preparedness program for pre-schoolers that the United Way sponsors. Branch offices also had representatives speak to employees and encourage generosity.
We are pleased to announce that when the campaign ended on July 19, our company raised more than $32,000, a nine percent increase from 2012.
Our involvement will continue with Controller Filmore Woodbery, who will be a Visiting Allocation Team member for the United Way. This fall, Fil will be part of a small group who visits with UW receiving agencies. They will be gathering information, then consulting and assisting the United Way in determining an appropriate allocation of funds.
Building & Earth couldn’t be more pleased with our team’s willingness to give both their resources and their time. We are looking forward setting the pace again next summer.