Geotechnical Engineering

Building & Earth offers comprehensive services in the field of geotechnical engineering with a staff of highly responsive geotechnical engineers and geotechnical consultants registered in 35 states. Our professional engineers possess significant experience with the unique subsurface geological conditions of each region we service. Our geotechnical engineers and geotechnical consultants understand that practical solutions are critical to problem solving. Our principal engineers began their careers working in the field. This early training allows them an understanding of how their recommendations impact the construction budget and schedule. We develop strong working relationships with project team members and respond to their needs in a timely and cost effective manner. We have AASHTO accredited CMT laboratories at the following office locations: Birmingham, AL; Columbus, GA; Tulsa, OK; Virginia Beach, VA; and Dunn, NC. Our regional laboratories are validated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers or certified by state departments of transportation to ensure that lab test results contained in our reports are accurate and reliable.

Geotechnical Engineering Services
- Geotechnical consulting
- Subsurface exploration
- Geophysical seismic site classification
- Dynamic soils properties (seismic and cyclical)
- Ground penetrating radar (GPR) studies
- Site excavation planning including dewatering design
- Field permeability testing (down-hole and double ring infiltrometer)
- Evaluation of alternative foundation systems (micropiles, geopiers, stone columns,
augercast piles, drilled shafts, driven piles, displacement piles, timber/composite piles,
helical anchors, load transfer utilizing geosynthetic materials (fabric or grid)
- Shallow and deep foundation evaluation and recommendations
- Impoundment liner design
- Settlement analysis of shallow and deep foundations
- Asphalt Testing Services
- Non-Destructive Evaluation of Structural Steel Connections (Bolted and Welded)
- Non-Destructive Evaluation of Concrete (Windsor Probe/Windsor Pin/Rebound Hammer)
- Compaction and Moisture Testing of Soil and Base
- Foundation Observations
- Concrete Testing including Slump, Air Content, Compressive Strength
- Masonry Testing and Observation Services