Construction Materials Testing

Building & Earth provides a full range of field and laboratory construction materials testing (CMT) services and employs a staff of experienced construction materials testing engineers and technicians that keep abreast of current ASTM, AASHTO, FAA, USACE and other specifications used on a broad range of projects on a national basis. We have five AASHTO accredited CMT laboratories at the following office locations: Birmingham, AL; Columbus, GA; Tulsa, OK; Virginia Beach, VA; and Dunn, NC. Our regional laboratories are validated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers or certified by state departments of transportation to ensure that lab test results contained in our reports are accurate and reliable.

CMT Field Personnel
The ability to provide expedient service is crucial to our goal to assist project team members in keeping their project schedules on track. We maintain a company-wide pool of skilled CMT technicians who can be utilized seamlessly by any of our branches to meet their ever changing local workload needs, anywhere they are required. As a result we have the necessary capacity to meet our clients’ needs at all times without experiencing the same ‘overload’ conditions that some of our competitors face. This ability stems from our philosophy of celebrating team success rather than individual success.
Field Testing Services
- Asphalt Testing Services
- Non-Destructive Evaluation of Structural Steel Connections (Bolted and Welded)
- Non-Destructive Evaluation of Concrete (Windsor Probe/Windsor Pin/Rebound Hammer)
- Compaction and Moisture Testing of Soil and Base
- Foundation Observations
- Concrete Testing including Slump, Air Content, Compressive Strength
- Masonry Testing and Observation Services

Lab Services
Asphalt Testing
- Stability and Flow
- Marshall Density
- Bulk Specific Gravity
- Extraction/Gradation
Concrete/Masonry/Mortar/Grout Testing
- Compressive Strength
- Flexural Strength
- Unit Weight
- Mix Design
- Splitting Tensile Test
- Absorption and Efflorescence
Soil Testing
- Modified and Standard Proctor
- Swell Testing of Plastic Soils
- Classification Tests (Gradation/Atterberg Limit Tests)
- California Bearing Ratio
- Limerock Bearing Ratio
- Unconfined Compressive Strength
- Triaxial Shear Testing
- Organic Content
- Specific Gravity
- pH, Resistivity, Chloride and Sulfate Evaluation
- Consolidation
- Hydraulic Conductivity
- Field and Laboratory Permeability